Does Anyone Knows of a Mental Hospital in Yuma County Az?

Question by Honey drops: Does anyone knows of a Mental Hospital in Yuma County Az?
He is an 18 yr Old American Citizen that has a big problem, hurts himself when things don’t go the way he wants.His Mother has tried taking him to the Psychiatric, he was prescribed medication, but even if he did take them they won’t work because he does drugs and drinks alcohol. His mother is very worried and feels like she cant do anything for him anymore 🙁
In concern for his mother I am here to ask you if anyone knows of a special program that cal help this poor woman help her son? he doesn’t want to cooperate, please any Government Special Program?

Best answer:

Answer by Ginny Jin
If he won’t cooperate nothing will save him

Answer by boystownhotline
I’m glad that she has caring friends like you to help look for help. She can always call the Boys Town National Hotline at 1-800-448-3000. We have trained counselors available 24 hours a day 7 days a week that can help to look up resources in your area. Take care!

Counselor KP

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