Can I Pass a Drug Test at M.E.P.S.?
Question by Fred 2012: Can I pass a drug test at M.E.P.S.?
Yea Yea I know it sounds stupid, but hey who doesnt like to party? ——Anyways, I drink about a gallon of tea a day, I’m 5’8″ 115 lbs. My body fat is less than 2%. I don’t smoke weed but probably once a month, if not two. Last time i smoked weed was about 12/13 days ago, and I smoked about 4 hits of a joint. Like a cigarette. My recruiter gave me one, and I passed. But I put a tiny bit of water in it. He is supposed to give me another one b4 m.e.p.s. Should I take it without doing anything to it, or will he tell me i have to goto rehab or something. Plz answer ASAP! I goto meps in two days. I dont think the water done anything.
Best answer:
Answer by cool and popular!
it takes about 2 weeks to get through your system i believe and if you passed the first time you should be fine.
Answer by elitestreetracing
go to GNC and get Niacin tablets…i just got out of the military and you dont get a drug test when you go to MEPS unless they changed protocol….also water does nothing you would be better off with a salt packet…you wont get a drug test untill the second week of boot camp…..have fun…the military has pretty much gone to hell in the last 8 years Arizona “Teen Treatment” Does NOT Support Boot Camps | Anasazi Review — , 1424 South Stapley Drive Mesa, AZ 85204 480 892-7403 info@…
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