Does Anyone Know of a Rehab Place for Smokers?

Question by rebecca: Does anyone know of a rehab place for smokers?
Ideally in Australia, Asia or the UK? Like drug rehab but for hard core smokers?

Best answer:

Answer by King of Thumbs Down
Just sleep for 3 days. Sleep, the best rehab there is. Can’t smoke while you are sleeping.

I am trying to quit, smoke 2 to 3 packs per day. Has been almost 2 weeks. Yippee. Could get weak tomorrow, but today, I am ok.

It was costing me a fortune. That was my motivation for quitting. Extremely expensive. Got tired of rasping when I breathed too. So bad it would wake me up at night. Plus, I don’t drink beer as often, so I should really save some money!

Answer by roblin_5461
I don’t believe such a place exists. The best way to help yourself, is to just keep occupied, go to your doctor if necessary and ask about nicotine replacement therapy.

The other person who smokes 2-3 packs a day, it must be costing you a fortune! In pounds sterling that is about £120 per week!!

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