How Do You Forgive Yourself for Embarassing Things Done During Drug Addiction?

Question by Elaine Bolden: How do you forgive yourself for embarassing things done during drug addiction?
I am in early stages of recovery and things are just starting to come back to me. I cringe almost hourly because something new will come back to me that I forgot. It may have just hapened in February but I was so high that it was just a fog. I started deleting social media because as I look back at status updates and things I shared, I am appaled and disgusted with myself. I let complete strangers and estranged family members that already didn’t know me that well know my deepest darkest secrets among other things.. How do I forgive myself ad move on and be able to show my face again?

Best answer:

Answer by Clayton
I would think like this. You know it happened and you can’t change it just move on from there. You know you are gonna help yourself so who cares what people think. You know yourself the best.

Answer by Ginny Jin
you start fresh again. write yourself a mantra and journal.

Sandy B. – AA Speaker – “Forgiveness and Healing” — This tape was recorded shortly after Sandy’s daughter had been found murdered. Also, in a very short period of time, another one of his daughters passed away…

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