I Think I’m Getting an Alcohol Addiction?
Question by : i think i’m getting an alcohol addiction?
I’m a 14 year old girl and i had my first beer a few nights ago and i was fine then the next night i had 2 and then the next 3 (found out 3 is my limit). i just think it tastes good its not all i think about doing but its becoming a natural part of my nightly routine. i have alcoholics on both sides of my family so how do i keep from becoming one of them? my parents would be devastated if they found out so i really do need to quit.
Best answer:
Answer by brett
Just stop drinking? Make it simple and it will work 🙂
Answer by A Reading Girl
I wouldn’t say you’re addicted yet, but imo 14 is WAY to young to be drinking anything but a small glass of wine that you’re parents have put in front of you (European thing…) Back off the beer, and if you don’t want to stop drinking all together, try to limit it to once a week, or, preferably, only at parties. And remember to stay BELOW your limit at parties. You have plenty of time for getting trashed later, when you can buy the booze for yourself.
If it helps try remembering that beer is basically liquid bread (LOTS of carbs) and ANY alcohol is SUPPER high in calories.
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