What Do You Go to Outpatient Drug Rehab For?

Question by Christina: What do you go to outpatient drug rehab for?
and is it everyday..and how long.

Best answer:

Answer by Keno
depends on what kind of drug your trying to kick how long you’ve been on it and how much you’ve done. long tern hard core drug users end up in methadone clinics. you go for your dose every day until you earn some trust then you can take your week-end dose home (as soon as they think you won’t sell it or OD) others are in house with a therapist i . think thats best ive been a nurse for 20 yrs and ive seen alot of people trying to quit. without talking to someone the methadone won’t help for long. and there is a new drug called seboxin. ive heard its a miricle for anyone with opiate dependency.

Why Consumers Need Assisted Outpatient Treatment — Two consumers describe how court-ordered treatment saved their lives.

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